Quick Response on Condoms sounds useful. However, not when it is refering to scanning a Quick Response code on a condom.
Now I have seen some awesome applications of QR codes.
Like Heineken at a music festival. While this is innovative I question this campaign. In fact, I have more questions than I can
vocalize type.
Planned Parenthood is
attempting to convince Americans that safe sex is happening all over the US,
mostly the southern part of Canada and one person in Queretaro, Mexico.
55,000 condoms were distributed in Washington State all with
QR codes on them. Before you get busy, they want you to scan the QR code and
clock in your location so that teenagers and young adults around the world know
they are not alone in their desire to avoid children and Chlamydia.
See the website the QR codes lead to.
The current metrics of this campaign are: the site has had 65,000
visitors and 4,500 check-ins. The metric I am most curious about is the
conversion rate, what percentage of the 4,500 actually have sex after they took
the time to scan the QR code? (Oh, marketing jokes).
The Huffington Post has pointed a fundamental error with
this campaign. 70% of condoms are bought by women. While 60% of all QR codes
are scanned by men.
I question the last stat because
Adweek reported that women’s
magazines were the biggest users of QR codes. The article doesn’t actually say
the women are using the QR codes so I suppose these two “facts” aren’t in
conflict. If they are both true maybe Planned Parenthood and women magazines
need to question their tactics.
Up date: CEO of Planned Parenthood was arrested for exposing
himself (according to CHCH news). I hate that this will be used as ammo to continue branding birth
control users as unethical, horrible humans. And
Sir Richard’s Slut campaign
was starting to fight back…
Not sure I believe that slut can be appropriated and made into
an empowered term. In fact, I’m strongly opposed. But the ‘Slut Walk’ was a
good movement.